

Welcome to Swagscale.com's pickleball paradise, where we serve up an unbeatable selection of top-notch gear for all your pickleball pursuits! Our impressive range of products includes everything from paddles that pack a punch to balls that'll make your opponents' knees wobble, and nets so sturdy they could catch a herd of charging rhinos (though we don't recommend trying that).

70 posts

Understanding the Pickleball Balls Used in Tournaments:

Pickleball tournaments are the prime time to show off your drive, agility, and precision in the sport - and you can't do that without understanding the basics. In this video, I'm going to walk through all the pickleball balls used in competitive play so you can take your game up a notch.

by Ray

Will Pickleball be an Olympic Sport?

Have you ever wanted to see a pickleball tournament on the Olympic stage? It's time to launch your dreams into reality because we will show you how close pickleball is getting to becoming an official Olympic sport!

by Ray
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